Dale Sorensen Real Estate, Inc

Lawn moss prevention & removal guide

by Debbie Caldwell 01/07/2024

For homeowners with grass lawns, moss can be a problematic weed. Lawn moss appears in shady, damp areas and spreads quickly because it doesn’t need seeds to reproduce. Luckily, there are options for cleaning up a mess of moss.

Here is a basic guide to removing existing moss and preventing future moss growth in your lawn:

Raking & aerating

Moss has very shallow roots, making it easy to remove with a rake. This process works best when the surface is moist, so try it after watering the lawn.

For future moss prevention, “dethatching” and aerating the lawn is a process that can help. Getting rid of thatch, or the layer of dead grass tissue between the roots and new growth, helps improve air and moisture circulation in the lawn.

Liquid moss killers

Unfortunately, most popular herbicides used for weed control don’t control moss. However, there are some formulas specifically labeled as “moss killers” and contain the right amount of chemicals needed to target and kill moss growth.

If you want to avoid using a chemical moss killer, you can make a DIY solution with household products like baking soda or dish soap. Mixed with water and put into a garden sprayer, these can work just as well as the store bought chemicals.

Try another grass species

Moss is an opportunistic weed, and will often appear in already sparse areas of the lawn. If the type of grass you have planted struggles to survive in the shade, consider replacing it with a shade-tolerant variety to keep the moss at bay. Tall fescue grass is an example of a grass type that can crowd out moss growth once established.

There are more than just these methods for removing and preventing lawn moss. However, starting with these basics will help you get rid of moss and ensure your lawn is full of healthy grass.

About the Author

Debbie Caldwell

When you first meet Debbie Harris-Caldwell, you are immediately drawn to her charming Welsh accent and the twinkle in her eye. The well-traveled transplant from Wales is quick to set you at ease and time spent with her promises to be time well spent.

Debbie has been a real estate agent for 40 years and takes great pride in her customer service skills. "I make myself available to my customers when they need me, whether it's on a Sunday Evening or after their long day at work. I make my schedule fit theirs. I also keep my customers updated on everything happening with their listings or purchase, I am their conduit for information." She has built a business following her key principles of clear communication, attention to detail, client advocacy, and comprehensive knowledge of the area. Debbie comes to every new transaction with positive energy, determination, a strong understanding of the currents driving the market, and the expertise that comes from a lifetime of experience. She knows the importance of marketing and whether a home is for sale for $200,000 or for $2 million, she always has professional photography done and creates a listing presentation that best shows off her customer's home.